We are experiencing a monumental shift in health care delivery
Over the coming year, many of our payors are changing the way in which they pay for care. In short, they will no longer be paying by number of visits but by quality of care we provide. In preparation for this transition, we will have the opportunity to redesign how we deliver care. We will deepen our investment in our mission while putting our values first as we strive to improve patient access, outcomes, and quality of care.
I am writing this blog to share more as we journey along this road together. This blog is meant to serve as a conversation starter, a space to lay out context and engage staff and external stakeholders, whose insights will inform the foundational and design elements of our ideal future model of care.
Please participate in the comments section of each blog by sharing your thoughts, ideas, concerns, excitements, and help us spark a zealous discussion! I look forward to hearing what you think.