Parent education, advocacy, and referral program via first responder initiation to a traumatic event.
Our Mission
ACE Team responds to families, and especially children, in the wake of violence and connects them to appropriate trauma-informed supports and services in the community.
Our Vision
Our vision is to build a strong and coordinated community partnership made up of close-knit multi-disciplinary agencies and organizations focused on the safety and healthy development of children and their families.
”The goal of the ACE team is to plant seeds of support for families who are struggling today, so that our city can benefit from the fruits of a violence-free Lynn in the future.
DanitzaACE Team Program Manager
ACE Team Characteristics
- Parent education, advocacy, and referral program via first responder initiation to a traumatic event
- Team providers support following an event
- Collaborative partnership between Lynn Public Schools, Lynn Police Department, and Lynn Community Health Center
We can connect you with:
- Applications for Child Care
- Afterschool Programs
- Application for WIC / SNAP benefits.
(There is a Northshore WIC office at our 20 Central Avenue location.) - Youth resources
- Summer programs / camps
- Parenting classes / groups
- Additional food and housing resourcs
A partnership between Lynn Community Health Center and the City of Lynn
ACE Team Process
Call received and the Lynn Police Department responds.
Lynn Police Department ACE Team coordinator reviews the police report where children were present at the event.
LCHC Family Advocate connects with the family to obtain release and permission to visit.
With the family’s consent, ACE Team visits the home to share and discuss resources that might help.
Referrals are place to the requested or needed services to help support our community members.
Community agencies work with the family to provide all appropriate services.
Our Partners:
- Lynn Public Schools
- Lynn Police Department
- RAW Arts
Related Services
How does ACE Team work?
Are you involved with DCF?
We are not DCF but we are mandated reporters, which means that we are mandated by law to report the abuse of a minor to DCF.
Does my immigration status affect by eligibility for services?
We provide support to all Lynn residents regardless of their immigration status or DCF involvement.
Why is a police officer present during home visits?
The police are part of our team and we work together to identify supports and resources for families.
How is my information kept private?
Your information is not shared outside of the ACE Team members unless we have your written permission for referrals.